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Thursday, July 21, 2011

House Stalker

* I am not sure how this post will turn out. This is my first post using the Blogger app. Forgive me if the pictures don't come out clear because they were taken with the crumby Android phone.

These are pictures I have snapped of houses that I liked. The first picture comes from a house in New Britain that overlooks Walnut Hill Park. I love the house, but love the rocking chairs on the porch! The next three pictures came from houses in the East Rock neighborhood of New Haven (where we lived). The first picture has the landscaping that I imagine we will do. That house was directly behind our apartment. They did a ton of work on it within the past year. The other two pictures show adorable picket fences. I think a picket fence may be in the future. To me it is a throw back to the 1940's and 50's. I can't stop thinking of It's A Wonderful Life and the scene where Mary and George walk home from the dance. Sigh...

Sigh... again. Well, I will continue to stalk until I can find a decent source for semi urban landscaping!

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