Like a complete dolt, I decided to throw my sister Katherine's bridal shower two weeks after our closing date. I was confident that everything would be put away and ready for the shower. I completely forgot about the whole fact that buying a house cost money. Luckily, the shower came together and I created as lovely of a day as I could for my sister.
The Presents: The timeless tradition of gathering in a circle and watching the bride open homegoods to choruses of "ooos" and "ahhs" wasn't skipped. Katherine got a number of wonderful presents that she and Tim will put to great use.
The Groom: In the end, Tim showed up in time to cut the cake and see the loot that he was going to take home! My sister is very lucky to have found someone that compliments her so well. He's a great partner and a fabulous match for her.
Darcy refused to be left out of the festivities. After all, it's her house! She was a complete lady and behaved well.
Additionally, Tim illustrated that the house was perfect for Chris and I. Neither of us are over 5'8". However, Tim soars to at least 6'5". We had a great laugh over how spacious our stairwell is.
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