In the fall of 1995 I started what would be the most influential and life changing four years of my life. It has now been 13 years since my friendships with my groomsmen began, which is nearly half my life. There is Brian(Verd), supposedly the only real normal one. Sean, the one missing something rather important in his cognitive skills, which is probably attributed to the water in Leicester. Lee, the Polish kid from Webster, who went from four foot nothing to six feet tall in that span of four years. JBC, where the hell did JBC go now? His car is gone again and his parents are looking for him. And Timmy, I will not say anything about a conch shell here in fear of retribution.
In no particular order:

Verd - My friendship with V started in a church gymnasium on Rte 9 Shrewsbury, our freshman year. It was a Greenbar meeting and I was wearing "the shirt." Most of my classmates know the shirt of which I speak, and I may have to bust it out at a Reunion. Anyway, from that point we became really good friends, through Scouts, School and Cycling. I will most likely never forget the look on his face when summer after Senior year I took my graduation money to Bike Alley and said, I've got $700, what can you do me for? After years of saying I would never spend that much on a bike. Not only myself but our group has spent a lot of time in his parents basement in 'The Burn', as we have never called it before. We're a pretty lucky crew to have such a good friend as a member. We stayed in touch, albeit hit or miss over the years since college graduation. We've both moved away from Worcester and yes, he was the first one to get married, and then HAVE a child. Peter is now 2 and half or so, and Brian & Katherine just had their second child, Nicholas. Great people they deserve it. I have been blessed and lucky to have Brian in my life over the years, how else would I have a road bike to ride!

O'Rourke - I don't think there are any other stories that I enjoy telling about Sean more then the Stage Crew ridiculousness. Yes, he screwed a piece of wood into a pavement using a HAND screw driver. WOW... And then there was the hog tying with duct tape, and throwing him in the Spring Show dumpster, why? I don't think we really thought that through, but lucky enough for us, he didn't hate us. Of course the story ends with Wilke throwing him a knife, us looking around going, wtf, what did you just do...and closing the dumpster door and running away. Oh lord, we were lucky he didn't kill anyone. My third story stems from his Escort, that blue little hatchback that just wouldn't die, trust me, he beat that thing when he drove it, I was often afraid we wouldn't get to our destination. After he sold it for $300, it got totaled by the new owner, who got a check for $800. Back to the story.. That little hatchback, was light. Amtrak and myself would regularly push it up on to the sidewalk, until he figured out he should be putting on the E-Brake. One day, during rehearsal, we grabbed some bricks, picked up the little thing, and put the rear wheels on blocks. He wasn't nearly as mad as just amused, which was also good. Speaking of moving cars, "Hans, you need to move your Mustang!"......."Hans, its OK we moved your Mustang!" :0) We have shared a lot over the years, and I am glad we have been able to keep in touch.

Lee - Lee is sort of a constant. He's always there, and some how never ends up doing anything regrettable, except for that one time after we won the State Hockey Championship, how long was ride back to SJ? Yeah, that's what I thought. Lee will just up do just about anything you suggest, on a whim, nearly the exact opposite of myself. He's been a great friend over the years, and I wish I had some exciting story to tell but I don't. I can only thank him for being there year after year through this thing called life.

Timmy - We had home room together all four years at SJ, and I can tell you, that sophomore year when we were reading a certain book which shall not be named, Tim was none to pleased with most of us. But that's OK, here's another Stage Crew bond. With the amount of hours we've spent in that gym doing work, there are few other people who know me as well. You could count on Tim for dancing Coins and a good laugh. He has a flair for the dramatic, just ask PJ about a single knife incident over 10 years ago. I remember spending the Spring Show weekend at his house junior year, being the youngest of the group, I didn't get my license until the WEEK AFTER spring show. Tim's a good kid, and a good friend, and now a good neighborhood. My parents have moved about 1 mile around the corner from his house. Yes, for those that didn't know, my parents have left the boondocks of East Brookfield, for the Boondocks of Boylston.

JBC - JBC, got his nickname freshman year during one of our retreats, from Marcus Texiera. I don't really know why it stuck, but it did. Although rumor has it, yeah I won't go there this is a family show... There isn't really that much to say about Jon except some weird stories about Prom, whoops. He would get in his car drive around, although sometimes, he would take other people's cars. Like my escort, I had started it got out, and seconds later it was driving out of the parking lot without me. That was an experience. We don't keep in touch that well, but what can you do. He'd be there if I needed it.
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