As I did with Katherine and Kimberly, I will be doing a dual post for my brothers, Scott and Colin. I know, I know... they deserve their own posts, but I am running out of summer!
Scott is my older bro

ther. He is Tisha's husband and Braeden's papa. He is a special education and theatre arts teacher in Tyler Consolidated High School in Tyler County, West Virginia. He is also very busy as a coach. He coaches both soccer and basketball. He is a true soccer enthusiast. Every time he visits, Chris joins the horde playing FIFA on XBox 360. Scott and I both went to the same college and sang in concert chorale together. Here he is pictured rocking out to Rock Band. Always an entertainer.

Colin will be a freshman in high school this year. Like Scott, he has a quick wit. Colin loves to sports, singing, and (of course) the ladies. He likes to read and is a terrific writer. Who knows what will come of Colin. Perhaps a future collumnist!?!
My brothers are 17 or so years apart, but they have similar sense of humor. It's really scary to see how alike they are. It must be in the genes!
I am really glad that Chris decided to include Scott and Colin as groomsmen. Be prepared to see them whip out their fancy dance moves. Look out world!!
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