Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Last Dance

"Last dance
Last dance for love
Yes, its my last change
For romance tonight

I need you, by me,
Beside me, to guide me,
To hold me, to scold me,
cause when I'm bad
I'm so, so bad

So lets dance, the last dance
Lets dance, the last dance
Lets dance, this last dance tonight..."

Sorry Donna Summer, but you will not be gracing our play list. Our final dance song is Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now".

The Best Thing From England Since The BBC's Pride and Prejudice... maybe!

Allison and I agree. Everyone secretly loves Queen! Even you, Jeff, will be rocking out!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Darcy is 5 Weeks Old and Frisky!

New pictures of Darcy have arrived. The breeder says she is very playful. She isn't shy and doesn't hold back when it comes to playing with the other pups (and dachshunds?!) even though she is a lot smaller than the rest. It's nice to see her with a dachshund. Perhaps she will get along with Heidi!

How could you not love that face?!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Darcy is 4 Weeks Old!

Here are Darcy's latest pictures. She seems to be catching up in size to her sister, the other red tri. Her naked mole rat days are long past. She is adorable!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Darcy is 3 Weeks Old!

Darcy's eyes are open and she is unbelievably adorable. She is less naked mole rat and more baby bear cub. She is still MUCH smaller than the other pups. Look how big that merle looks next to her! I can't wait until we are back from our honeymoon to get her!

I can't wait to show my students!!

*I am sorry one of the pictures of Darcy makes her look like she is on her head.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Our Shower was May 30th. We were really honored that so many of our loved ones made it. There were 45 people total. I know I felt torn trying to do my rounds and talk a little bit to everyone. People seemed to pick spots throughout the house and outside which made our jobs difficult! Such is life!

We are pleased to report that both of our newest baby friends were in attendance. That was a thrill! Jack and his parents Dana and Mike came all the way from Dover, New Hampshire for the occasion. After hanging out with little Kaitlyn, I was shocked how big my buddy Jack has gotten. His hands are huge in comparison! They were a huge hit!

Here is my friend Kaitlyn who napped while the ladies made sandwiches.

Here is Jack. Mommy (Miss Dana) thought it would be funny to put the bows on my head.

Jack looked so handsome... and he even was coordinated with my shower dress!

We received a number of great gifts. We are really thankful to our family and friends for their generosity! It was quite overwhelming opening all of the presents. Allison kept track of the presents, so we could write thank you notes. Kimmy and Pam organized the presents after they were opened. In addition, Katherine and Miss Kim handed us the presents. Trust me, that wasn't an easy job! Some of those suckers were quite heavy!

Here we are reading a card.

Here we are smiling for a photo op.
And of course some quirky comment was made that resulted in this face.

We would like to thank my mom, Allison, Miss Kim, Katherine and Kimmy for putting together such a great day for us. We appreciate all of your baking and your attention to the fine details. A special thank you goes to my cousin Lisa who arrived early and quickly got to work making sandwiches! THANKS! Additionally, we thank Miss Dana for helping put together cookie trays and Jeff for putting up the tent... IN THE DARK the night before. We are grateful to have a time to visit with those who attended the shower. We look forward to spending more time with you (and those of you who were unable to make it) at the wedding.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Darcy: 12 Days Old

Darcy is 12 days old!!!

Darcy is coming along with her adorableness. She is 12 days old. She is a lighter red than her sister and much, much smaller. She is starting to open her eyes and Tammi, the breeder, promises a picture with her eyes open soon. Here she is!Here is a picture with her sister so you could see how much smaller she is. Here she is cuddling with the rest of the litter.
Can you imagine what it will be like when we are pregnant!?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Darcy is 5 Days Old


The first two pictures are of the runt of the litter. The third picture is of the other red tri. We are thinking Darcy is the runt. She has really cute white markings! We can't wait to see her grow up!

*Additional pictures just arrived. Here are pictures of the litter. You could see Darcy is the smallest of the pack. The mother dog is a red tri, too. Darcy will look like Mama when she grows up.